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The ResourceTexture class extends TransformTexture to render textures based on a resource location. It supports configurable offsets, dimensions, and color overlays.

Basic Properties

Field Description
imageLocation The resource location of the texture image
offsetX Horizontal offset of the texture (default is 0)
offsetY Vertical offset of the texture (default is 0)
imageWidth Width factor of the texture (default is 1)
imageHeight Height factor of the texture (default is 1)
color Color overlay applied to the texture (default is -1)



Create a texture from a resource location.

// Using float parameters
var texture = new ResourceTexture("ldlib:textures/gui/icon.png");


Returns a sub-texture of the current texture.

// Using float parameters
var subTexture = resourceTexture.getSubTexture(0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5);