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The TextTexture class extends TransformTexture to render text as a texture. It supports dynamic text updates through a supplier, configurable text styling (color, background color, drop shadow), and various text alignment or animation types (e.g. roll, hide). This class is primarily used to display formatted and localized text within GUI components.

Basic Properties

Field Description
text The formatted text to display
color The text color (modifiable via setter)
backgroundColor The background color behind the text
width The maximum width for wrapping the text
rollSpeed The speed at which text rolls (for animated text types)
dropShadow Whether a drop shadow is applied to the text
type The text display type (e.g., NORMAL, ROLL, HIDE, LEFT, RIGHT)
supplier A supplier for dynamic text updates



Sets a supplier to provide dynamic text updates.

textTexture.setSupplier(() -> "Updated dynamic text");
textTexture.setSupplier(() => "Updated dynamic text");


Updates the displayed text. This method is invoked automatically via the supplier or can be called directly.

textTexture.updateText("New Text Content");


Sets the background color behind the text.



Enables or disables the drop shadow effect on the text.



Sets the maximum width for the text area. This method also recalculates text wrapping based on the new width.



Sets the text display type (e.g., NORMAL, ROLL, LEFT_HIDE).


  • NORMAL: center, add new lines below
  • HIDE: center, hide redundant words
  • ROLL: center, hide redundant words, roll words while hover
  • ROLL_ALWAYS: center always roll words while redundant
  • LEFT: same as NOMAL but left align
  • RIGHT: same as NORMAL but right aligh
  • LEFT_HIDE: same as HIDE but left align
  • LEFT_ROLL: same as ROLL but left align
  • LEFT_ROLL_ALWAYS: same as ROLL_ALWAYS but let align