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The ButtonWidget is a UI widget representing a clickable button in the GUI system

Basic properties

All properties can be accessed via Java / KubeJS.

Field Description
isClicked is the button clicked currently



Equal to the setBackground.

button.setButtonTexture(ResourceBorderTexture.BUTTON_COMMON, new TextTexture("Button"));


Remove child widget from it.

button.setClickedTexture(ResourceBorderTexture.BUTTON_COMMON, new TextTexture("Clicked"));


Used to bind functional logic.

ClickData provides mouse state information:

  1. clickData.button: mouse button id number.

    button Description
    0 left button
    1 right button
    2 middle button
  2. clickData.isShiftClick: is the shift key typed.

  3. clickData.isCtrlClick: is the ctrl key typed.
  4. clickData.isRemote: is the remote enverionment.
button.setOnPressCallback(clickData -> {
    if (clickData.isRemote) { // can be used to check trigger side

button.setOnPressCallback(clickData => {
    if (clickData.isRemote) { // can be used to check trigger side
