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The SlotWidget represents an interactive item slot within a container GUI. This widget supports configurable properties such as whether items can be taken or placed, customizable hover overlays and tooltips, and integration with JEI/REI/EMI systems for displaying ingredient details. It can be configured to represent a slot in either a standard inventory container or via an item transfer handler.


You cannot modify slot widget size.

Basic Properties

Field Description
canTakeItems Indicates if items can be extracted from the slot (modifiable via setter)
canPutItems Indicates if items can be inserted into the slot (modifiable via setter)
drawHoverOverlay Determines whether a hover overlay is drawn when the mouse is over the slot
drawHoverTips Determines whether tooltips are shown when the mouse hovers over the slot
lastItem Item stored in the last tick.



Associates the widget with an inventory container by specifying the slot index. e.g. player inventory.

var player = ...;
slotWidget.setContainerSlot(player.getInventory(), 2); // bind the player inventory of 2 index.


Configures the widget to use an item transfer handler with the specified slot index.


For Java User !!!

If you want to use the handler of ItemStackHandler(from forge) or Storage<ItemVariant>(from fabric), you need one more line. Because Forge and Fabric has different APIs, you need to convert the handler into the LDLib one, which can be found in ItemTransferHelperImpl.

var itemHandler = ...;
var itemTransfer = ItemTransferHelperImpl.toItemTransfer(itemHandler);
var storage = ...;
var itemTransfer = ItemTransferHelperImpl.toItemTransfer(storage);


KubeJS user do not need to do such mess. We have already convert them into a item transfer internal already.

slotWidget.setHandlerSlot(itemTransfer, 0);


Set the internal itemstack with/without notify.

slotWidget.setItem(itemstack); // it will also trigger the listen you set
slotWidget.setItem(itemstack, false); // it wont trigger the listen


Get the internal itemstack stored.

var itemstack = slotWidget.getItem();


Configures additional slot location information, such as whether it belongs to the player container or hotbar. It will affect the shift move behaviour.

slotWidget.setChangeListener(() -> {
    var last = slotWidget.getLastItem();
    var current = slotWidget.getItem();
slotWidget.setChangeListener(() => {
    let last = slotWidget.getLastItem();
    let current = slotWidget.getItem();


Whether can put stack into the slot.



Whether can take stack from the slot.



Configures additional slot location information, such as whether it belongs to the player container or hotbar. It will affect the shift move behaviour.

slotWidget.setLocationInfo(true, false); // (isPlayerContainer isPlayerHotBar)