The TankWidget
represents a fluid slot widget within a container GUI. It displays a fluid in a designated tank and supports fluid interactions such as filling and emptying. In addition, it integrates with external systems (JEI/REI/EMI) to show fluid ingredient details and provides configurable options for hover overlays, tooltips, and click behavior.
Basic Properties
Field | Description |
fluidTank | The fluid storage or transfer handler associated with this widget |
tank | The index of the fluid tank being represented |
showAmount | Determines whether the fluid amount is displayed |
allowClickFilled | Controls whether clicking the slot when filled triggers container-filling behavior |
allowClickDrained | Controls whether clicking the slot when empty triggers container-emptying behavior |
drawHoverOverlay | Indicates if a hover overlay should be drawn when the mouse is over the widget |
drawHoverTips | Indicates if hover tooltips should be displayed |
fillDirection | The direction in which the fluid fill is rendered (e.g. DOWN_TO_UP) |
lastFluidInTank | Last fluid stored in the tank |
lastTankCapacity | Last tank capacity |
setFluidTank (IFluidStorage)
Associates the widget with a fluid storage and sets the tank index to 0.
setFluidTank (IFluidTransfer, int)
Associates the widget with a fluid transfer handler and specifies the tank index.
Set the internal fluidstack with/without notify.
Get the internal fluidstack stored.
Configures additional slot location information, such as whether it belongs to the player container or hotbar. It will affect the shift move behaviour.