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The TankWidget represents a fluid slot widget within a container GUI. It displays a fluid in a designated tank and supports fluid interactions such as filling and emptying. In addition, it integrates with external systems (JEI/REI/EMI) to show fluid ingredient details and provides configurable options for hover overlays, tooltips, and click behavior.

Basic Properties

Field Description
fluidTank The fluid storage or transfer handler associated with this widget
tank The index of the fluid tank being represented
showAmount Determines whether the fluid amount is displayed
allowClickFilled Controls whether clicking the slot when filled triggers container-filling behavior
allowClickDrained Controls whether clicking the slot when empty triggers container-emptying behavior
drawHoverOverlay Indicates if a hover overlay should be drawn when the mouse is over the widget
drawHoverTips Indicates if hover tooltips should be displayed
fillDirection The direction in which the fluid fill is rendered (e.g. DOWN_TO_UP)
lastFluidInTank Last fluid stored in the tank
lastTankCapacity Last tank capacity


setFluidTank (IFluidStorage)

Associates the widget with a fluid storage and sets the tank index to 0.


setFluidTank (IFluidTransfer, int)

Associates the widget with a fluid transfer handler and specifies the tank index.

tankWidget.setFluidTank(fluidTransfer, 1);


Set the internal fluidstack with/without notify.

tankWidget.setFluid(fluidstack); // it will also trigger the listen you set
tankWidget.setFluid(fluidstack, false); // it wont trigger the listen


Get the internal fluidstack stored.

var fluidstack = tankWidget.getFluid();


Configures additional slot location information, such as whether it belongs to the player container or hotbar. It will affect the shift move behaviour.

tankWidget.setChangeListener(() -> {
    var last = tankWidget.getLastFluidInTank();
    var current = tankWidget.getFluid();
slotWidget.setChangeListener(() => {
    let last = tankWidget.getLastFluidInTank();
    let current = tankWidget.getFluid();