Recipe Creation
Add reipces to the recipe type (id = mbd2:blender
// server script => {
// add recipes here
// recipe id is optional, but we recommend to set a unique id
// duration in tick
// hight priority will be handled first
// mark this recipe as a fuel recipe
// item
.inputItems("minecraft:apple", "4x minecraft:oak_log")
.outputItems("4x minecraft:apple")
// fluid
.inputFluids("water 1000")
.outputFluids("lava 2000")
// forge energy
// create stress
// botaina mana
// mek heat
// gtm eu
// mek chemicals
.inputGases("100x mekanism:hydrogen")
.outputGases("200x mekanism:oxygen")
// .inputInfusions(...)
// .outputInfusions(...)
// .inputSlurries(...)
// .outputSlurries(...)
// .inputPigments(...)
// .outputPigments(...)
// per tick (consume / generate per tick)
.perTick(builder => builder
.inputFluids("10x lava")
// chance
.chance(0.5, builder => builder
.inputFluids("10x lava")
// tier chance boost (the final chance = chance + tierChanceBoost * machineLevel)
.tierChanceBoost(0.1, builder => builder
.inputFluids("10x lava")
// slot name (ingredient can only be consumed/filled from given slot name (trait name))
.slotName("input_tank", builder => builder
.inputFluids("10x lava")
// ui name (ingredient displays in the xei recipe ui (widget id) by a given ui name)
.uiName("input_tank", builder => builder
.inputFluids("10x lava")
// condtions
.dimension("minecraft:overworld") // dimension id
.biome("minecraft:plains") // biome id
.machineLevel(2) // min machine level
.positionY(-10, 64) // min y, max y
.raining(0.5, 1) // min level, max level
.thundering(0.5, 1) // min level, max level
.blocksInStructure(0, 100, "minecraft:stone") // min count, max count, blocks
// custom data
.addData("key", '{"temperature": 32}')
.addDataString("key", "value")
.addDataNumber("key", 32)
.addDataBoolean("key", true)
More apis and details can be found here: MBDRecipeSchema